Visual Language Week 13 Typography Assignment

Hi again. Ok so our assignment in Typography was two fold. First we had to do a sketch of our face. I’ve put up that sketch for you to have a good laugh at!!! I can’t draw to save my life!! Then we had to represent our face using typography. I took a shot of my face then went into Photoshop & turned it into a black & white image with highlights & placed some random words over it. The words are just me typing anything onto the screen. I’ve also put up the original photo & the result after i photoshoped it. I hope you like them. Again i really enjoyed doing this assignment although i do dread the idea of drawing!! But i gave it my best shot & actually, if anything, it’s funny!! So i hope you enjoy looking at them as much as i enjoyed doing them. now comes the sad part………………… This marks the end of Visual Language!! I have to say i’m really going to miss this module. It has been such an enjoyable subject with the best two lecturers EVER. I was a bit nervous about it at the start, when we did our 60 images, but we all got so much encouragement form both Niamh & Margret & that really really helped. My favorite assignment was the Semiotics one, although, they were all great assignments. So a HUGE thank you first of all to all the other guys & gals in digital media year one for all there help, advice, & general deadlyness!!! Thanks for everything guys. Also a MASSIVE, HUGE , THANK YOU to Niamh & Margret for…………….well EVERYTHING!! Ye are both LEGENDS!! So as James Douglas Morrison once sang “This is the end beautiful friend”. But i will be back (i hope haha) next symester and i’m sure this blog will be used for another module. i’m going to keep it going anyways! So thanks for putting up with my “stuff” for the last 13 weeks. I have enjoyed it so much so i hope you did too. Take care.

Gary Cunninghan b00030067

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